Install Folgo

Steps on installing Folgo

1. Get it from Google marketplace

Once you are on this page > click on install

2. Choose your account and authorize Folgo

  1. After clicking, a pop-up window will appear where you will have to accept the terms of service and privacy policy by clicking on "continue." 
  2. There after, another window will show up where you have to choose the Google account you want to link with Folgo. You will only be able to use Folgo in the Google Drive associated with this account. 
  3. Afterward, you will need to authorize Folgo to access your account and give permissions; otherwise, it will not work. We have a dedicated page that answers all of your privacy questions and explains why we require certain access : here.

3. You are all set

Once you have completed all the previous steps, Folgo is now available in your Drive. The next time you connect to your Drive, you will see the Folgo logo on the bar on the right-hand side of your screen. Click on it to get started. 


For those of you who may not see this bar at the right-bottom corner, there is an arrow. Click on it. 

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