How to Choose Your Audit Type

Folgo offers several different audit scopes, depending on what you want to audit and your plan (personal or domain plan).

The type of audit you choose will depend on the original question you ask yourself.

To minimize processing time and information overload, always carry out an audit on the most precise content possible.

Audits for everyone

Audit type Sub option Description
Folder audit Everything Lists all subfolders and subfiles
Shared Drives Everything List of all subfolders and subfiles in the Shared Drive

Shared with Non-Members List of all subfolders and subfiles in the Shared Drive that are shared with users outside the Shared Drive base list
Everything owned by me Everything Lists all the folders and files you own

Shared Items List of all folders and files shared with at least one person you own

Shared Publicly List of all publicly shared folders and files you own

Size Bigger than List of all folders and files you own larger than the size you select

Viewed in the last 12 months List of all folders and files you own and you have opened in the last 12 months
Everything shared with me Everything List of all folders and files shared with you

Filter by owner

List of all folders and files that belong to a certain email address and are shared with you

Useful if you want to make a backup of content shared with you

As an option for all audits, it is possible to list permissions for each file and folder (please note that this step may increase processing time).

Audit as admin

Audit type Sub option Description
Shared Drives Everything List of all subfolders and subfiles in the Shared Drive

Shared with Non-Members List of all subfolders and subfiles in the Shared Drive that are shared with users outside the Shared Drive base list
All Shared Drives Everything List of all subfolders and subfiles in all Shared Drive of the domain

Shared with Non-Members List of all subfolders and subfiles in all Shared Drive of the domain that are shared with users outside the Shared Drive base list

Summary information Extract metadata for all Shared Drives, such as permissions, size, etc
Google account Everything List of all folders and files belonging to an account

Shared Items List of all folders and files shared with at least one person belonging to an account

Shared Publicly List of all publicly shared folders and files belonging to an account

Size Bigger than List of all folders and files belonging to an account larger than the size you select

Viewed in the last 12 months List of all folders and files belonging to an account and opened in the last 12 months by the same account
Multiple Google Accounts Everything List of all folders and files belonging to accounts in the Google group

Shared Items List of all folders and files shared with at least one person belonging in the Google group

Shared Publicly List of all publicly shared folders and files belonging to accounts in the Google group

Size Bigger than List of all folders and files belonging to Google group accounts larger than the size you have selected

Viewed in the last 12 months List of all folders and files belonging accounts in the Google group and opened in the last 12 months by the same account

Only storage info Extract storage information for accounts in the Google group

These options provide flexibility depending on what you are interested in monitoring or auditing within your Google Drive environment.

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