Install Folgo for Google Chat


  1. Have the right level of Google Workspace license. Supported Google Workspace editions for this feature: Frontline Standard; Enterprise Standard and Enterprise Plus; Education Standard and Education Plus; Enterprise Essentials Plus.
  2. Be a Google Workspace administrator on your domain
  3. Folgo for Google Chat requires access to Google Drive event logs in BigQuery. If you have not yet set up service log exports to BigQuery, you will need to do that first. Step by step instructions are available here.
  4. You must have created a Google Groups via the admin console with the users who should have access to Folgo for Google Chat.

Users of the Google Chat application will only have the ability to inquire about the Shared Drive to which they have been granted access. Granting access to Folgo for Google Chat will not provide any individual with access to privileged information. Consequently, this application can be deployed to numerous users without compromising confidentiality.

Installation from the Google Workspace Marketplace

To begin the installation process, please access this page and then proceed to click on Admin Install

Upon clicking, a pop-up window will be displayed, requiring you to give your consent to the terms of service and privacy policy by selecting the "continue" button. 

Next, you will need to grant access to data on your domain. To learn more about why each permission is needed and how we handle your data, you can check our privacy policy here.

In the same pop-up window, select "Certain groups or organizational units" under "Install the app automatically for the following users" and tick the box "I agree to the application's ..."

Then click Next

Click on "Select groups" and add the Google Group(s) with users who should have access to Folgo for Google Chat.

Then click Finish.

Grant access to Google Drive log events in BigQuery

As mentioned in the prerequisites, if you haven't already configured service log exports to BigQuery, it is necessary to complete that initial setup. Comprehensive instructions can be found here.

Open the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project linked to the BigQuery dataset that contains your Google Workspace log events.

From the search bar, navigate to the IAM section of your GCP project.

Grant the required roles to the Google Group you created to give access to Folgo for Google Chat

Please note that these roles will not grant unauthorized access to all content within the BigQuery dataset containing your Google Workspace event logs. They will simply enable users to execute queries in their own name on filtered views of your dataset, which are automatically generated by Folgo. A filtered view provides access to logs that are relevant to a specific shared drive and is only accessible to members of that Shared Drive with the appropriate permission level (contributor).

  • Click on "Grant Access".
  • Add your Google Group in the "New Principals" text input.
  • Then, add the following roles in the "Assign role" input:
    • “BigQuery Job User”
    • “BigQuery Read Session User”
  • Click Save.

Grant the required roles to Folgo service account

Finish setup in Google Chat

In Google Chat, click on "New chat" to start a chat with Folgo.

Then use the command "/setup" followed by your GCP project ID and your BigQuery dataset ID.

And you are all set! All people with access to Folgo for Google Chat can now chat with Folgo and ask questions about the Shared Drives they have access to.

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