What are Admin Tasks?

Admin Tasks are operations performed by Folgo admins on behalf of other users on the domain.

This domain wide delegation enables you to perform bulk actions, like audits and permissions removal, on your entire domain, with just a few clicks.

Only selected users can use Domain-wide delegation within Folgo, in a dedicated area (“Admin tasks”), separated from the standard, end-user features.

In this article

Who can be a Folgo admin ?

Folgo admins are designated through a Google Group. This enables you to decide whether your Google Workspace admins will also serve as your Folgo admins or not. You can then manage your Folgo admins efficiently trough the Google Workspace admin console, giving you full autonomy.

Admin audits

As a Folgo admin, you will be able to perform audits on a whole new level, as you can:

  • Audit multiple Google Accounts on your domain

By setting the Corpus to "Multiple Google Accounts" and specifying a Google Group Email.

You can then select the items you wish to audit. This enables you to target specific files or folders in order to reduce the audit's duration & report's size, and focus on your needs at the time you perform this audit.

📢 This feature enables you to perform security audits through your entire domain.

  • Audit any Google Account on your domain

By setting the Corpus to "Google Account, and specifying the desired email address.

As before, you can specify the items you wish to audit, in order to target specific files and adapt the audit's duration adn report's size.

  • Audit any Shared Drive on your domain

By setting the Corpus to "Shared Drive" and specifying the Shared Drive ID

Admin ownership transfers

As a Folgo admins, you can perform bulk ownership transfers between your domain's users, in order to facilitate offboarding processes and contents conservation.

  • Transfer the ownership of folders

By setting the Corpus to "Folder content" and selecting the desired folder.

You can then specifiy the current owner's email address and the desired new owner email address.

  • Transfer the ownership of a specific user's content

By setting the Corpus to "User content" and specifying the current owner and desired new owner's email addresses.

You can then specify if you wish to transfer only the ownership of files that were shared with other users. This can be a great way to filter out files that were only intented for personnal work.

  • Transfer the ownership of a Google group's content

By setting the Corpus to "Multiple Google Accounts" and specifying the group and the new owner's email addresses, you can transfer the ownership of a Google group's content from multiple different owners to a new owner in bulk. This is particularly useful for managing historical data, handling many accounts at once, or during large waves of account deletions.

As before, you can select to only transfer the shared items.

Admin access granting

You can grant access to any file or folder within your domain to anyone who may need it. This feature is really useful during holiday seasons if the file owner is on vacation and unreachable.

Domain Logs

Once you enable admin tasks, a domain activity dashoard is created, in order to let Folgo admins access domain logs and monitor Folgo jobs through the entire domain.

You can find out more here.

How does Admin Tasks work ?

To enable Admin Tasks, you will need a domain wide plan, as every users within your domain will need a Folgo account in order to impersonnate them.

Those Admin Tasks require an additional setup independent from the installation of Folgo from the Google Workspace Marketplace. This additional setup will grant Domain-wide delegation to Folgo.

If you are interested in domain wide delegation for Folgo Admins please book a call with our team to discuss this further.

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